
Please be aware that we have discontinued all Kabola boiler models.

We now sell POST boilers. These were developed by Henk Post, who started Kabola in 1974. Please go to our POST Marine Boilers page for diesel combi boilers.

Kabola Diesel Oil Boilers For Boats

Kabola Diesel Oil Boilers for boats are manufactured by a dutch company, Kabola Heating systems, founded in 1974 Henk Post. Since the 1980s Kabola has been making marine oil and diesel-fired boilers for motorboats and yachts.

For quotes and bookings contact us on 07846 274 926 or email marineheatingsolutions@gmail.com

Kabola Compact 7

Kabola Compact 7 - Combi Diesel Oil Boiler For Boats
  • Capacity 7 kW



Kabola HR400 - Marine Combi Boiler

  • Capacity 10kw, 14kw, 20kw


Kabola KB Series Ecoline

Kabola KB - Marine Central Heating Combi Boiler


For quotes and bookings contact us on 07846 274 926 or email marineheatingsolutions@gmail.com